magnetic mindset coaching

Mindset Transformation Coaching: TRANSFORM from within ✨


  • You want to stop the mental gymnastics of imagining worst-case scenarios and expecting things to go wrong. You’re ready to stop waiting for the other shoe to drop.
  • You want to stop living for “what’s next” – the next vacation, the next income increase, or the next relationship. You’re ready to start living your life NOW with more peace and presence, instead of waiting for a future date.
  • You feel like you’re living on autopilot, experiencing the same circumstances and situations year after year, and you’re ready to wake up and live a life filled with fulfillment, inner joy, and peace.
  • You want to overcome procrastination, perfectionism, and self-doubt. You aim to embody self-acceptance and self-belief, living your life according to your true desires and authentic self.
  • You are perpetually striving and always on the go. You want to avoid burnout or heal from it, and learn how to manage your energy more effectively.
  • You desire rapid change in your personal or professional life, waking up each day feeling energized, intentional, and unstoppable. You want to take action on your goals and to-do lists while also having free time for what’s important to you.
  • You are tired of band-aid solutions that don’t last. You’re ready for targeted work to release what isn’t serving you from the root and achieve your specific goals and outcomes.
  • You’re ready to shift from showing up inconsistently and losing focus to regaining momentum. You want guidance and strategies to get that next promotion, ask for a raise, or forge your unique path. Whether it’s becoming a solopreneur or changing your industry and career path, you seek alignment with your true self.

my coaching approach

is holistic and focuses on guiding you through profound breakthroughs at the root, using tools such as Emotional Freedom Technique and transformative shifts for lasting change. 

Rather than focusing on a single goal, we take a 360 view of your life to ensure comprehensive growth and transformation. An imbalance in one area, whether it be your career or relationship, can impact other aspects of your life because everything is interconnected.


My Clients Go from…

  • Feeling unmotivated, filled with self-doubt and uncertainty, to feeling clear and empowered just after initial sessions, becoming more driven to take action toward their goals with confidence.
  • Constantly questioning and doubting their decisions, to feeling clear and confident in their actions, reaching their goals with assurance.
  • Worrying constantly about money, to feeling abundant and trusting that money will always flow to them, giving them the freedom to live fully and thrive.
  • Dreaming about making money from their passion, to tangibly and confidently doing the work they lovewhile gaining location and time freedom.

Whether you’re going from an unfulfilling career, feeling chronically stressed, or yearning for more to being in a job that makes you feel in alignment, abundant, fulfilled, intentional, and motivated.

I specialize in helping clients get to the root of their struggles, find and accept their truth, transform limiting beliefs, and make meaningful mindset changes—big or small—to live happier and more fulfilled lives.

My mission is to help you live your everyday life feeling more content from within. Together we create a tangible, actionable plan that realizes your vision into reality.

If you are seeking rapid inner transformation that fundamentally changes your outer life experience, my coaching is for you!

Let’s work together to accelerate your growth, dissolve what isn’t serving you, and create the life you LOVE!! You can also email me at [email protected] 


  • Client and Mentee Impact: Empowered over 50 clients and mentees to achieve their goals and outcomes.
  • Grew Social Media Following: To over 10k followers across platforms. Global Reach with The Light Side Podcast: Reached audiences in over 37 countries and 40 states with my podcast.
  • Workshops and Digital Products: Hosted Mindset Transformation Workshops for women’s wellness groups, including online communities and a Yoga Retreat.
  • Yoga Teacher Certification: Completed 200-hr YTT, improving my holistic coaching approach by incorporating breathwork and meditation
  • Startup Growth: Helped grow a startup from 2 to 25 employees within 6 months, creating strategic and efficient processes expanding from one to two offices.
  • Goldman Sachs Women’s Initiative: Selected for a global top-performing women’s career program, learning from top coaches, Big 3 and Big 4 consultants, and senior partners across Fortune Top 50 companies.
  • Leadership in Wealth Management: Led the firm’s top priority client experience digital transformation program, growing from 84 to 156 members with an annual budget of USD 27 million
  • Corporate Advancement: Promoted every year, achieving Vice President at 28 (despite an 18-month gap pursuing entrepreneurship).
  • Team Management and Product Launches: Led interviewing, hiring, managing, training team members, global product launches, and go-to-market strategies.
  • Community Mentorship and Funding: Led community initiatives in New York and Utah, mentoring underprivileged communities and raising funding for local projects, professional growth, and accessibility.
  • Health Education in Thailand: Partook in health education at schools across Thailand for 28 days, including a holiday party for Burmese refugees and orphans.


💫 Transformed their scarcity mindset into an abundance mentality: Improved their relationship with money and created new income streams through side projects aligned with their passions and interests.

💫 Overcame the fear of being seen on social media: Identified and cleared mental blocks, leading to consistent social media presence, increased reach and following, and affiliate partnerships resulting in added revenue streams. This was achieved with a renewed magnetic mindset work, a personalized action plan, and accountability.

💫 Achieved breakthroughs in life balance: Recognized how different areas of their life were interconnected and impacting their presence and contentment. This led to landing a new role with a dream wellness company, switching industries from Finance, achieving a 30% increase in compensation, and improving their relationship with their partner.

💫 Transcended the fear of public speaking: Despite having over 10 years of expertise as a therapist, they now actively speak to large audiences, furthering their speaking career and impacting lives positively through social media. This was made possible by identifying and reprogramming deep-rooted core beliefs and memories.

💫 Grew and strengthened self-belief: Pursued their passion and purpose as a High-Performance Productivity Coach by addressing and reprogramming deeply rooted limiting beliefs. Developed a clear, actionable plan to achieve financial and location freedom, embodying their best self with increased confidence and self-trust.


Courtney came to me to pivot into a new career while maintaining her existing responsibilities as a mother of two. She not only launched her passion project but has gained significant momentum and growth. Courtney went from feeling “angry and bitter at the world, held back by overthinking” to feeling like a “whole new person.” She described herself as feeling lighter, motivated, and propelled.

It is so expansive to watch her continuous growth, achievement, and pursuit of her dreams with inner joy and passion.


“Where do I begin? each session has been super eye-opening in unexpected ways. Her knowledge, tools, and resources seem to be endless while creating this safe space of comfort to learn and grow.”

– Courtney, creator, entrepreneur

“Sholeh is a warm and compassionate coach

who makes you feel comfortable and open to speak about tough subjects. She helped me come to terms with some truths I’d been avoiding and make some difficult decisions. 

Every session led to at least one big breakthrough!

– Jenni, VP in Product Development


Jenni approached me when she felt unfulfilled and burnt out in her career. Through our sessions, she had a breakthrough realizing how her lack of fulfillment and purpose at work was impacting other areas of her life, including her health and relationships.

By identifying the root cause, we created an actionable plan that led her to land a new role at a company aligned with her goals and values, resulting in a 30% increase in salary.

"My Perceptions of Scarcity and Abundance changed completely after just a couple of sessions. It wasn't just generic, we underwritten my beliefs and feelings. Whereas before I felt so much anxiety towards money and all the debt I had, we were able to make breakthrough connections on the root cause of my situations and how much it was impacting other areas of my life."